Hi, I’m Aleks !

I’m an inquisitive and energetic mover, mom of two gals and creator behind Serotonic - a space encouraging you to listen to your body and move to feel good.

Movement has been a central focus for me, beginning with exploring my own strength and endurance as a competitive swimmer, tapping into movement as medicine when I was a physiotherapist, then using movement as my anchor while navigating law school and the corporate world, and now movement to feel good as I continue to explore new forms of movement, including the reformer.

But what do I mean by moving to feel good? There are so many reasons to move your body… here are a few examples of what I like to focus on: (i) feeling grateful for the ability to move my body, to make it stronger and feel more energized, (ii) recognizing what my body needs is always changing and there is power in responding to those needs, and (iii) tapping into how I can use movement to impact my state of mind.

I hope you enjoy and stay tuned as I continue to develop this project of mine. Any Q’s? Curious and want to chat more? I would love to hear from you!