Sunday Scaries

You know the feeling: sad the weekend is over, anxiety over a busy week ahead, maybe even remorse over what the weekend could have been… that shitty feeling at the end of the week before taking on the next. If you’re like me, the “Sunday Scaries” can seriously impede what could be another great day in your weekend.

So, here are some tips for overcoming them and taking back your Sunday:

  • Solo-time. Take a few minutes to reflect on what you accomplished this week and enjoyed so far over the weekend.

  • Plan. Make getting ready for Monday part of your Sunday routine. Add simple things like picking out an outfit, preparing a meal, ordering your groceries, ANYTHING to make you feel more prepared.

  • Goals, goals, goals. Make a list of a couple things that would be amazing for you to accomplish this week. Start small and keep your list somewhere you can see it.

  • Move. Go for a walk, do some stretching or even sit and feel your ribcage/belly move with some breath work. All great options for reducing stress. Check-out my quick 10 minute “around the mat” video for a great movement and breath-work option.

I hope this helps! Any tips to add? Would love to hear them. Now go enjoy the rest of your weekend!!


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